Another Sign of Spring

From The Past: April 23, 2008

In August, I shared this photo of two tobacco worms:

Since then, these worms have been in their cocoons; that is, until this morning.

At 6:30 AM, Ashley was awakened by scratching inside the shoebox which held the cocoons. From previous experience, she immediately knew what the scratching meant.

One of the cocoons had opened:

This is the moth which had emerged and was frantically scratching to get out:

The antennae look like miniature feathers and are simply marvelous!

You don’t know how many times I was tempted to throw this shoebox away. Even having gone through this before, I still find it hard to envision something happening inside the dried-up cocoons after all these months. It’s almost as long as a woman is pregnant!

Now, we have one more to go!

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