Sound Observations

From The Past: April 22, 2008

Spring is here. I want to say summer, but then correct myself quickly. It’s not summer yet; but it will be soon enough.

It is time, however for the sounds of summer; the sounds you hear while the screen door is all that keeps the cat between here and the green, green grass outdoors. The birds twitter their little heads off as they mate or prepare their nests and all along the street you can either hear a lawn mower or weed eater; usually both at the same time.

After school hours, you hear screen doors slam again and again as children’s voices call to each other.

I venture outside longing for the heat of the sun. The bees buzz loudly around my head as I sit and read.

There is a cobweb in the corner of our swing which I didn’t even notice until Ashley pointed it out. It doesn’t bother me and I continue to sit and read. The bees are too much for her liking, even though I have only seen two; I can ignore them, but she can’t.

After she leaves me to go inside, I see something move out of the corner of my eye. It is a smallish, black and white, and plump-looking spider. Since it heads towards the web Ashley alerted me to earlier, I assume it “lives” here.

I sit in the swing a little longer, but think it would be wiser to head for the house. I have been outside long enough anyway. My body is warm from the sun and it is dinnertime.


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