5 Things Radio Personalities Do That Drives Me Crazy

For several decades I have listened to the same morning radio show. The show is very entertaining and they discuss a variety of subjects including movies, TV, actors/actresses, food, pets, sports, the royal family and much more.

Increasingly though, I have noticed five things that happen on a fairly regular basis that irk me. These are things that never happened ten years ago, but have for one reason or another become commonplace.

1. Hearing their cell phone ring. Why in the world do they have to leave their ringer on? One of the personalities says it because she needs to know if her kids or the kids school needs to contact her in case of an emergency. I’m not buying this reasoning at all. Why? Because I can turn my ringer off on my cell phone, sit the phone in front of me, and it will light up and vibrate when/if a call comes in. It doesn’t have to make noise for me to notice it.

2. Eating and talking. It doesn’t matter if it’s Twizzlers or a Reese’s Cup, I can hear you chewing or I can tell that you are talking with food in your mouth. Once again, the female personality in this duo, will gnaw on Twizzlers while her partner talks, but then when she joins in the conversation, I can tell that she still has something in her mouth. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t bother me at all, but it’s different hearing in over the radio.

3. Also, why in the world does a radio program play videos and expect the listener to find it amusing when we can’t actually see the video. This is radio. Therefore, if it contains something that you find visually amusing, chances are, we won’t get it.

4. When someone calls in to the show to tell a story about something that happened to them, why do the personalities always interrupt their story? I can understand it when the caller is very slow or just too nervous to talk, however when someone is in the midst of a story, they have a nice flow going and then get interrupted by a moronic joke or question, it throws the caller off and we end up not hearing the entire tale. Very often I believe we would have gotten much more information had the caller been able to talk.

5. Lastly, this is a program where we tune in to hear the personalities talk. It’s very hard to hear their words sometimes when the music in the background is so very loud. Why do we need the music at all?

I may sound petty, but I think all five of these issues are important. I do enjoy these people very much and feel like they are part of my family because I have been listening to them for so long, but everyone has their pet peeves and these are mine. Do you have any radio-driven pet peeves?


One Reply to “5 Things Radio Personalities Do That Drives Me Crazy”

  1. I listen to some podcasts and I have a couple of gripes but i blame it more on me then on the casters:

    1.When they have incorrect info: It drives me nuts when I know something and they’ve got it wrong. Even if they’re not trying to make themselves into some expert, it frustrates me that i’m not there to explain it to them.
    2.When they mispronounce words (rvrn worse, when they’re corrected but continue to do it)
    3.popping P sounds/speaking with some kind of impediment: I find annoying–I feel so guilty about this one if they can’t help it, but I find it to be the anti-ASMR when i’m drying to listen to what they have to say, or i’m trying to just zone out and have background noise

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