Interesting T-Shirts

From The Past: February 2, 2004

I got this in an email today: A Washington Post columnist runs a column each summer listing interesting t-shirts observed at the Ocean City, Maryland beach. Here are a few:

*I childproofed my house, but they still get in.

*On the front- 60 is not old. On the back- If you’re a tree.

*I’m still hot. It just comes in flashes.

*At my age, “getting lucky” means finding my car in the parking lot.

*My reality check just bounced.

*Life is short, make fun of it.

*I’m not 50. I’m $49.95 plus tax.

*I need somebody bad. Are you bad?

*Buckle up. It makes it harder for the aliens to snatch you from your car.

*I’m not a snob. I’m just better than you are.

*It’s my cat’s world. I’m just here to open cans.

*Earth is the insane asylum of the universe.

*Keep staring….I may do a trick.

*We got rid of the kids. The cat was allergic.

*Dangerously under-medicated.

*My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash, and it’s gone.

*Every time I hear the word “exercise”, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

*Cats regard people as warm-blooded furniture.

*Live your life so that when you die, the preacher will not have to tell lies at your funeral.

*In God we trust. All others we polygraph.

*I may be fat but you’re ugly. I can diet!


5 Replies to “Interesting T-Shirts

  1. I can’t take people popping gum while chewing it. I don’t listen to radio but I never miss my Rhett and Link on YouTube , the show Good Mythical Morning. They make me smile when I don’t even feel like smiling, I never miss their show. Speaking of smiling ,I sure hope you are doing better Tami.

    1. Thank you. I think yesterday was the first day that I haven’t had a meltdown. That’s progress 🙂 I just finished with their show from last Sunday (the one where they talk about being missionaries). I can’t wait to hear their personal stories for the next few weeks.

      1. Tami, I’m so glad to hear you are feeling a little better. 😊 Go on YouTube and watch their show, Good Mythical Morning, they’re like 17 seasons on there , some of them are hilarious . They usually are only about 10 minutes each and I think you’d get a kick out of them . I watch your videos and then theirs every single morning . My two favorites.

        1. I’m sorry I ever recommended them after listening to their last podcast. I was very disappointed to say the least in what I heard .

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