Pass The Present

Currently (2019): Today Kevin I bought all of the fruits and vegetables that we will need for Thanksgiving. We didn’t want to wait until the day before because we knew it would be a mad house, but we needed bananas for the fruit salad and didn’t want to buy them too soon.

It was busy in both Kroger and Walmart. If people had looked in out cart today in Kroger, they would have thought we were the healthiest eaters ever. If you watch my videos, you know the truth though. It is funny how many and fruits and vegetables we eat on Thanksgiving, but it’s not like we eat them in the healthiest way.

The broccoli has loads of Velveeta cheese added to it.

The tossed salad has mayonnaise.

The fruit salad has Cool Whip.

The mashed potatoes have lots of butter.

So, we will be eating them, but it may not be in the way other people would.

In Walmart, we bought several presents for a “pass the present” game. When we got home, I wrapped each present with ten different Christmas papers. I also wrapped Gavin and Amelia’s advent calendars. We will give these to them on Thanksgiving because they can start opening them on December 1st. I did film them for next Monday’s vlog if you are interested in seeing the ones we bought. I also filmed the games I made. I plan to post a link to those here on the blog on Monday in case you are interested in printing them out and playing with your family.

From The Past: November 26, 2003

Dad called yesterday with a mouth full of food. He does this every year and it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving if he didn’t. He says, “I’m just sitting here eating this COUNTRY HAM that I just picked up from Kroger. If you come over, I might give you a slice to tide you over until Thursday.” He’s such a turd!

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