Lost And Found

From The Past: December 9, 2007

Yesterday evening Ashley left her purse in Kohl’s while trying on shoes. We all about had a fit when she realized it once we were back in Winchester and in the car on our way home from Wal-Mart.

I called Kohl’s and asked for the lost and found department, which I believe is the same thing as customer service and thank goodness, some wonderful person had turned in Ashley’s purse.

As we walked out of Wal-Mart, before we realized the purse was missing, my dad called my cell phone. He informed me that they were over in Hamburg eating at Friday’s and asked me to call him back when I got home.

So, I did call him back, but by the time I called, I had a favor to ask; would he and mom be so kind as to go to Kohl’s and retrieve Ashley’s purse from the customer service counter.

Of course, they did, thus saving us a trip all the way back to Lexington. Ashley inspected everything in the purse; cell phone, money, keys – everything was still there in its place. We told her how fortunate she was and what could have happened had someone not so nice had found her purse.

While Ashley lost something yesterday, my dad found two items.

The first thing he found was a cell phone someone had dropped in Dawahare’s. He ended up meeting the woman and returning her phone to her a little later.

He also found a man’s billfold in Target, I believe. After the man in front of dad had made his purchases, he left his billfold and his money lying on the counter. Dad took the billfold with him and called a number on the inside.

He didn’t want to turn the billfold in at the counter at Target because he said it would have been too easy for someone to have taken the money out and said it was turned in that way. Dad wants to make sure the man gets everything he is supposed to get. Hopefully he will hear from the man soon.

All of this is a lesson though. We are all in a rush and all we want to do at times is buy our stuff and get home. Sometimes, it would be much better for us if we would slow down and think about things before we act.


This afternoon we finished watching Tin Man which I had recorded earlier this past week off the SCI FI channel. We watched it together; Kevin, Ashley and I and I think I speak for us all when I say we thought it was good. It was very, very far off from The Wizard of Oz story, but it was enjoyable.

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