It’s Gore To Me

From The Past: September 4, 2007

Friday night, Andrew went with my sister and some other people to see the new Halloween movie. It came as quite a surprise to me to find out you had to be 21 years old or accompanied by an adult of that age or older to buy tickets or get in. My sister said there were even police officers there to make sure the employees were checking the ID’s of the people buying the tickets.

I asked her what was so bad you had to be 21 years old to see. She said nothing really. She said it wasn’t gory, but they did show throats being slashed, stabbings and so on. I personally consider that gore, but I still don’t understand the age restriction.

You can vote at 18, go to war at 18, leave home at 18, get married at 18; the list goes on. Why can’t you see a movie with fake blood at 18?

Now for a movie that’s not so scary …

I have always loved the movie Beetlejuice, so I wanted to share this t-shirt with you:

It fit me a long time ago. It’s almost 20 years old. Hard to believe, huh. Time flies!

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