The Green Grass Grows

From The Past: December 6, 2006

If you don’t own a cat or have never been around cats, you may not know that cats enjoy eating grass.

I have always heard if dogs eat grass, this is a bad thing and a sign their stomach hurts. For cats, many people believe grass helps with the digestion process. This is why stores sell containers of grass in the cat section.

When you purchase the grass, you get a container with a lid. The container has dirt and a little packet of grass seed for you to plant.

Planting is easy and the grass only takes a day to begin growing. Within three days, the grass is long and lush.

Why buy grass when the cat can get it outside?

For us the answer is easy. This grass is thinner and easier to digest than what the cat can find in our backyard. In addition, we have a freaky cat who likes to feast on the thickest grass he can find. Then the freaky cat enjoys coming back in the house and finding a place to upchuck said grass. Sometimes this upchucking occurs under a bed where it is very hard to clean.

Trust me; buying the grass is smart choice.

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