
From The Past: August 24, 2006

I guess you wouldn’t think of someone my age as having a poster, but I do. I’ve had it for so long I rarely even notice it. In fact, we’ve lived here ten years and it has hung in the same spot all those years.

I’m thinking though that it may come as a shock to some people; they may be caught unawares by shutting the door to my bathroom. That is where this poster hangs – on the back of my bathroom door.

It is rare that visitors would use that particular bathroom as we have another, more convenient bathroom just off the hall, but it is a possibility.

My sister and I had one poster each when I was in fourth grade. I had Tom Selleck hanging on my closet door and my sister had Rick Springfield on her door. Years later, I went through a Christian Slater phase, but I never had his poster. I guess it was the movie Heathers that made me fall for him.

This is the one and only poster I own. It’s from the movie Interview with the Vampire.

I can’t imagine buying a poster for myself now. My son, Andrew, has fantasy-type posters hanging on his walls. Ashley has butterflies among others.

They no longer ask permission to hang additional posters. It’s like, once you give them the okay to hang one, suddenly there are five more. Thank the Lord; I can always close the door.

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