
From The Past March 9, 2006

In anticipation of our tax check and his spring break, Kevin and I excitedly discussed where the tax money would go. We knew that after buying some much-needed clothing, we would put most of the money on our truck payment.

Kevin was excited about his spring break. I knew he was eager to play the computer games he never had time to play.

Then, without warning, all of our plans changed with one scoot of a table.


Somehow, Ashley scooted our coffee table over. When she did this, she found dried dirt. She asked Kevin what it was. To his amazement, he replied that we had termites (wood eaters that can eat through the walls of your entire house). He took me into the living room and scooted the table over for me. Having never seen a termite, I thought they looked like maggots. They were long, white, and crawling around like crazy. It made my skin shiver just knowing they were in our house.

Notice the mud tunnels:

Once we saw this, we both agreed that the carpet had to go. It had been in the house for ten years and was in bad shape. It didn’t help that Guido loved to find loose strings and pull them out with his teeth. So, we decided our tax check would be better spent on pest control measures and new flooring in the living room and down the hall.

We had three different pest inspections. They all agreed that, yes, we did in fact have termites. They looked around the rest of the house and everything seemed fine, but each inspector let us know the entire house would have to be treated. Since our house is on a concrete slab, they all also agreed the termites must have come up through a crack in the foundation. We told them the carpet would be removed very shortly and we would find out.

Our entire house was uprooted for an entire week. Everything that had been in the living room or hallway, had to go in other rooms to be stored while the new floor was being laid. This wouldn’t have been that big a deal except we couldn’t pile anything up against outside walls. The termite guys had to be able to come into each room, pull back the carpet, and drill along all the outside walls, so we had to get very crafty with storage space. Most everything (CD’s, movies, books, lamps, what-nots) ended up in Andrew’s room under his bed and desk.

Imagine our surprise when we pulled back the carpet and saw this:

In the middle of our concrete floor, was the hole you see above filled with wood remnants. We later found out that builders often use a wooden stake to mark off and measure a room. Instead of removing the stake and filling the hole with concrete, they simply cut the stake so it was level with the rest of the floor.

The termites ate their way through the wood in the floor. Then when they found my coffee table, they decided it was party time – they had struck gold.

Premier Termite & Pest Control arrived promptly on Tuesday morning. They drilled on the inside and dug a trench on the outside of the entire house.

Upon their departure, they mentioned when they moved the clothes dryer, they noticed the hose was split in two. They also noticed grease all over the floor behind the washer and dryer.

When they left, Kevin checked the dryer hose, and sure enough, it was in two pieces. The grease was coming from our 12-year-old washing machine. So, without further ado, Kevin and I went to Lowes and picked out a new washing machine and hose for the dryer.

My spirit broke this night. I just couldn’t believe looking around our house that things had gone so terribly wrong. Our couch and armoire were in the kitchen. I was having to slip in here and there to make coffee and lunch. We were spending money to eat out and I knew there were many more eating out nights to come. It all totally overwhelmed me. My saving grace was Kevin. He was my rock. He was patient and kind and he listened to me and told me that everything was going to be okay. All I could do was nod and believe in him.

The following day, Wednesday, I was in bed sick the entire day. I had some sort of stomach virus. My dad helped Kevin get the new machine home from Lowes.

While I was sleeping off my stomachaches, Kevin installed the floor in the hallway.

Thursday, Kevin completed the job by laying the floor in the living room. I couldn’t have been prouder of him. He had never done this kind of work and to be so skilled at it is just amazing.

Friday, he finished all the doorways and moldings. We moved the furniture back in.

Yesterday, we spent the entire day whipping this house back into shape. I think I did about six loads of clothes and dusted and swept everything.

As Kevin cleaned the screen door on the outside, Guido was going mad on the inside trying to catch the dust rag with his teeth. Actually, Guido does not like cleaning of any sort.

Today I spent over an hour clipping coupons and making a grocery list. By the time we finished our grocery shopping, it was time to make dinner. I feel bad for Kevin who deserved a proper spring break, but didn’t get it.

There are things to be thankful for though.

* I am thankful Kevin did have the time off to take care of everything.

* I am thankful we had the money at exactly the right time.

* I am thankful for a smart and gifted husband who always reads directions.



2 Replies to “Tunnels

  1. This story was so gripping. I was on the edge of my seat, and then you had me chuckling when you spoke of the termite party. Go Kevin and Ashley! Glad those days are behind you!

  2. Kevin is steadfast and incredible! I can hear him saying, “It’s going to be okay”.
    Thank you so much for sharing this story. It’s a wonderful reminder that, no matter how bleak things appear in the moment, to press on.

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