The Bert Show

After listening to a particular morning radio show for over 25 years, I finally called it quits. It was a hard decision. In that length of time, I not only knew the people on the show, but felt I knew their families as well. I won’t go into the reasons I quit listening because the list is very long. I will say, for me, the show went downhill fast when they began working from their respective homes. It’s almost as if they became too comfortable and forgot what the audience enjoys.

That being said, I have found a new-to-me radio show I love! It’s called The Bert Show. The Bert Show is exactly what my old radio used to be years ago. It’s fresh, funny informative and there is a lot of interaction with the audience. They aren’t constantly playing clips from Saturday Night Live skits, TikTok or YouTube videos to try to fill time. They aren’t simply phoning it in.

They don’t use a lot of annoying sound effects or play music while they are talking. It’s so much easier to hear what they are saying without unnecessary added noise. Just because they are talking about Kanye, for example, doesn’t mean they play his music while trying to talk over the music. It’s refreshing to say the least.

They have a terrific cast. Each person brings something unique to the table. It’s always interesting to hear their different points of view and most importantly, they are respectful of everyone’s views.

I love their podcast, but they also have a YouTube channel. I would love for you to check them out. You can thank me later 😉

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