Halloween Costumes

From The Past: October 17, 2004

There’s a business located down the street from Ashley’s school. This business has invited the kids to come in and go trick-or-treating. They have done this every year since Ashley has been going to school. The kids love dressing up and walking through this business and getting tons of candy and compliments on their various costumes.

Last year I walked along with her class and was very impressed with the way these employees interacted with the kids. The entire interior of the business was decorated like a Willy Wonka wonderland and each cubicle was decorated or the employee had actually dressed up for this fun day.

I know these employees look forward to seeing the kids in their costumes. The whole point of Halloween is dressing up and getting candy. So what’s my problem?

Well, Ashley’s class has accepted the invitation to go trick-or-treating however they will not be in costume. No costumes?! Why bother going then? If I were a kid, I would feel stupid trick-or-treating in my dress code clothes. And aren’t these employees going to be disappointed? I wonder.

Currently (2020): As I sit here now and read the post above, I wonder why this decision was made. Why weren’t the kids allowed to wear costumes? I don’t recall the reason and frankly, when these decisions are made at schools, it doesn’t do any good to make waves. I still have the same opinion I had at that time though. If the teacher didn’t want them dressing in costume for the occasion, she should have declined the offer.

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