Home: Then & Now

From The Past: September 13, 2004

If you had to move away from your home to another city, what would you miss most about your home, neighborhood, and city? Whom would you miss the most?

If we moved into another house, we would have to redecorate all over again. White walls just don’t cut it with me anymore; I have to have color even if it is subtle. I’m sure that I would miss the layout of this house although there are a billion others exactly like it. I would miss the back yard because it is larger than lots of people have. Other than that, I guess I would just miss being in the place where I have so many memories.

I don’t think that I would necessarily miss the neighborhood itself. One of my neighbors and I discussed how we wish that it were like Survivor and we could vote people off the street. There are many, many people who would get the boot for a variety of reasons.

I know that I would miss the town itself because I did live in Lexington for a short while many years ago and I missed it then. It’s a matter of convenience for me. Wal-Mart, Kroger, Speedway, and many other stores are literally only five minutes away from our house. Even with busy traffic it doesn’t take long to get anywhere in this town. When I lived in Lexington, it took at least twenty minutes to get to the grocery store.

I love Lexington and all that it offers, but I don’t know if I could live there. I was raised in Winchester and almost all of my family is here. My family would be the ones that I would miss the most if we were to move. I don’t know what it’s like to have family scattered all over the place. Everyone has always been very close, so that would be much different for me. All in all, I’m pretty content right where I am.

Currently (2020): Revisiting these same questions is interesting because I currently live in my childhood home. I would miss the large rooms and features that a Victorian home has. I would miss the familiar streets and the memories that go along with those streets. I suppose my answer wouldn’t change as far as what would I miss about the city itself. I do enjoy everything being close.

I would miss being near family, as I said sixteen years ago, only now the family I would miss would be different. My mom has since died, Andrew has gotten married and added grandchildren to the mix, my sister is married to someone different; so, I would still miss family, but the family members have changed over time.

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