Ashley Is 23 Today!

Currently (2019): Ashley is 23 years old as of today. Several months ago, I mentioned that we bought her a gun. We also bought her some t-shirts that she wanted from Target.

We surprised her with a book:

Snail garden figure:

and a piece of art titled Snail Shepherdess by Omar Rayyan:

The Past: June 3, 2003

It’s official! Our little girl is seven years old today. Her NeNe called channel 18 news and had her name on the birthday list this morning. She was thrilled to see it there! She said that they watched a movie, Homeward Bound, at school today and her teacher gave her a birthday card.

Tonight, one of her friend’s came over to play and eat dinner. I told Ashley that I would make anything she wanted for her birthday dinner and guess what she wanted: spaghetti! I was shocked, but that’s exactly what we had.

Our neighbor, Martha, came over and gave Ashley a strawberries and cream gift set with lotion, body wash, and body spray inside. She also gave her a navy purse and $5 in cash. Helen, Martha’s mother got her a really cool antique doll that Ashley just loves. Martha also brought Andrew a card with $10 in it for his 8th grade graduation. I hadn’t even mentioned it to her, but she really stays on top of things.

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