Game of Thrones

Currently (2019): My dad came over for a visit before lunch. He is building a new Game of Thrones cabinet. I will try to post pictures once he has finished it. The last two tables he made (Harry Potter and Steampunk) sold quickly, so I expect this one will too. He’s put a lot of hours and money into it, so there’s no telling what it will go for.

Today was an absolutely beautiful day. It was warm, so Kevin and I went for a walk once he got home from work. Later, I weeded the flowerbeds in the backyard. Now I need to get Kevin to mow the yard so that it will all look nice at the same time.

The Past: April 3, 2003

Heaven Has Oreo’s

For the past few weeks my parent’s dog, Buddy, has been very sick. I blogged about it on March 17th; that’s when all of this started. The vets and specialists had no answers. They just did not know what was wrong with him. He kept bleeding and he wasn’t acting his normal self. Yesterday when my parents got home from work, they found Buddy on the floor dead. He was a good dog and very smart. He loved his Oreo’s and his jaunts around the school. I’m glad that his suffering is over. He will be missed.

One Reply to “Game of Thrones”

  1. My Mom is dying waiting for the weather to fully turn around up here so she can get started on her garden for this year. But one day it’s 60 the next 40 and windy with the wind coming off Lake Michigan. Today was nice but again tomorrow-rainy-raw wind off the lake in the 40’s…60’s for the weekend but Monday rainy and back down to the 40’s. Then again our weather people can’t even get the forecast right for the evening after the newscast let alone 3 or 4 days out. It’s always sad when you lose a pet-they truly give you unconditional love if you don’t mis-treat them.

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