To Vacation or Not To Vacation

Kevin and I are still in discussions about vacation. We didn’t take a vacation at all last year because we had some work done to the house. It’s expensive to have anything done, so we trade off; one year we will go on vacation and the next year, we will fix something. Since we live in a Victorian home, there will never be a shortage of things that need to be fixed. That could be another blog post of its own – the things we have done to this house since we moved in. I need to start a list.

This is the deal: we could either gut the bathroom and remodel it OR we could go on vacation. We cannot do both. We don’t follow Dave Ramsey, so what we have in savings for vacation or remodels is it. Could we live with the bathroom the way that it is now? Yes, we could. It is a totally functioning bathroom with a very large clawfoot tub, toilet and sink with a lot of counter space. It’s more of an eyesore than anything. There is wallpaper on the walls and wainscoting that desperately needs to be painted.

The Wallpaper

The lid to the toilet tank cracked years ago and was glued back together.

Cracked Lid

The clawfoot tub is from 1909, so there are rust stains near the drain.

Rust in the tub

The countertop doesn’t perfectly fit the area that it was intended for and there is a gap between it and the wall. Lord forbid you drop something in that gap on accident.

Gap between wall and counter

The floor is made up of those sticky tiles that you buy in Lowe’s. There is nothing wrong with them, we had them in the kitchen of our old home, but it would be nice to have real tile or wood.

Floor tiles

The outlets were installed upside down. They work, but it’s an oddity. One last thing, is the door. The door does not close properly so there is no real privacy for guests. We always tell everyone to use the other (newer) bathroom if they want privacy.

To be fair, it’s a pretty bathroom and I am thankful for it. Many people would kill for that tub; however, we never use it. I clean it once a week, but we all take showers and therefore use the newer bathroom. Ashley mentioned that it would be nice to have a pocket door installed. That is actually an excellent idea and one that I hadn’t though of. The door itself is massive and the toilet sits directly behind the door.

Toilet Behind Door

The entire layout would be changed if we renovated.

On the other hand, we didn’t go on vacation at all last year. I feel like we should travel while we are still young and able-bodied. If you wait, anything can happen and then you may never get to go again. Plus, it’s just nice to get away. This may sound like a terrible thing to say, but I enjoy getting away from the computer. I enjoy the freedom I have when we are away. I enjoy the time away from responsibilities. I feel like a kid when we are on vacation.

So, that is my dilemma. Kevin will do whatever I want. He doesn’t care if we ever go on vacation. He is up for anything, I just have to say the word. I would appreciate any opinions!

*I do not have any old blog posts for the next few days. I believe the next one will be March 2nd. *

10 Replies to “To Vacation or Not To Vacation

  1. I never try to project anything-but make all the memories you can. One of my favorite Broadway shows is “Rent” and the over-lying theme is “”No Day But Today” for tomorrow isn’t promised. There are so many things I wish I had done for Marlowe-I wish we had gone to London or Florence-even Las Vegas. But we didn’t and now we never will. There will be time for the bathroom-assuming a disaster of plumbing proportions doesn’t happen-travel now-while you can walk-can enjoy it and before this world gets even crazier than it is. OR not-LOL You have to decide..

  2. My advice to you is to take the vacation! When you are elderly, what will you regret more? Not getting a livable bathroom remodel for appearance, or not making more memories/ taking advantage of your youth with Kevin? That is not to put pressure on you, of course it is your decision. I’m sure whichever you decide you will be pleased. I just think you should go on vacation. You deserve it, and so does Kevin!!

  3. We took the bulk of our European vacations between 2000 – 2009. We “discovered “ Hawaii in the years since and that’s where we totally relax. We learned returning to Europe last spring (Paris and Mallorca) that some destinations become less relaxing as time clicks on. So travel, while you can, while health and stamina is best. If the repair is not critical, or the update to the house is not critical then put it off. They will be there when you get back! The travel memories go a long way, don’t they! I’m finding videos from past trips and putting them on my YouTube channel so we can enjoy them whenever or wherever we are. My parents are able to as well….as now they aren’t up to travel anymore. Those memories become very important to relive then! Travel and share if you can. It’s a gift whether we are the ones traveling or just enjoying the footage!

  4. Hi Tami, I would go on vacation and enjoy!! You know where I would choose to go! Disney World of course! Lol

  5. Hi Tami, I would choose the vacation. You and Kevin should have a nice vacation to just get away and relax! The bathroom fixes can be put off for another year. 🙂

  6. Vacation, Tami! Let your life be a legacy of joy, memories and exploration…not just home renovation… the bathroom will have it’s time, but a vacation is overdue!

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