From email: Your alarm goes off; you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes. He stays up for days on end. *** YouRead More
Before you begin reading this post from the past, I feel like I need to remind you that it was written before Hobby Lobby cameRead More
Favorite pie: Caramel Pie Steak or seafood: steak Pepsi or Coke: Coke Chocolate or Vanilla: If it’s ice cream – vanilla How many tattoos: 0Read More
From The Past: September 22, 2006 Andrew is dying to go into the National Guard. Two of his friends (these kids are still in highRead More
On the radio, they were discussing the differences between being frugal and being cheap. These are examples in my opinion, of being frugal: * GoRead More
From The Past: September 11, 2006 Halloween things have started coming into the house: I bought the two pails in the dollar bin at Target.Read More
I have such a heavy heart thinking about Queen Elizabeth’s passing today. She has been the only queen I have known. Her gentle face alwaysRead More