
From The Past: February 9, 2009

* Mom and I took Guido and ourselves for a nice long walk this afternoon.

* I clipped coupons and got caught up on about two weeks worth of newspapers.

* I watched Property Virgins and Jon & Kate Plus 8.

* I have also read.

It’s been a good day. I enjoyed my walk most of all. I cannot say enough for getting out in the fresh air, having no destination in mind, and just walking to your heart’s content. It took Guido several hours to recover, but he needs to get back in the habit; spring is coming soon!

Oh, I am also getting back in touch with a lot of people on Facebook. At first, I didn’t think I was going to like it, but now that I am in contact with so many old friends, it has become fun. I don’t know everything about it yet because, frankly, I haven’t explored my options; but, I will get there.

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