I See Lots Of Tea In My Future

From The Past: January 14, 2009

We all realize that groceries have gone up in price. I have noticed a rapid increase in soft drink prices in particular over the past year. For this reason, we only buy them for home when they are on sale. I used the words for home because Kevin has to have drinks for work each week and I will not deny him his beloved Diet Mountain Dew.

When Coke Zero is not on sale, I drink tea or Kool Aid.

Kevin noticed that Coca-Cola may be trying to put one over on its customers. In this week’s Kroger ad, he noticed this picture:

Upon first glance, it doesn’t look like a bad deal. It’s not as good as we’ve seen, but it’s better than nothing right? Wrong!

These are 20-packs, not 24-packs!

I am left to wonder if this will fast become the acceptable standard box. Prices go up and sizes go down. It’s happened with coffee, spaghetti sauce and I’m sure many other products you could name.

I am curious now. How many products can you name where the size has decreased while the price has stayed the same or is higher?

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