I’ve Been Reading

From The Past: January 12, 2009

You know a book is good when you miss two award shows just so you can read more. I missed both the People’s Choice Awards and the Golden Globe Awards. I didn’t record them either. What book was good enough to make me not care if I missed them?

StephenKing’s Duma Key https://amzn.to/4gNeWgb

It is totally enthralling. You won’t want to put it down! I loved that it had short parts, stopping points, within each chapter. This way, if I only had five minutes to read, I could read an entire section.

I would read one part and think; I’ll stop at the end of this section. Then when I would finish that particular section, I would continue reading because I had to know what happened next! The entire novel is that way. It would make a great movie if they did it right like they did The Green Mile. I warn you: if you read it, you will be absorbed … and you will thank me later for the recommendation 😉


There is a good chance that Mom may be released from the Markey tomorrow. When she comes home, she will have an IV needle in her wrist. The needle will be changed every three days, but Home Health will come every day to administer the antibiotics for 14 days.

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