Body Glide

From The Past: September 29, 2008

For the past year, I have been leaving welts across my body and under the top part of one arm. I never meant to cause them, but I didn’t know what to do in order to stop them from emerging.

The welts arose each time I exercised. When I would sweat, the material on my sports bra would rub against my skin causing a long welt to form in a line directly below my chest area. One of my upper arms rubbed against the side of my body as I walked. This caused a welt to appear under my arm.

These welts were very painful, but they were not going to keep me from exercising. I tried using Vaseline and Bag Balm, but nothing stopped the pain or helped my skin. I had to exercise four days a week, so I wasn’t giving myself enough time to heal either. I do realize that fat rubbing on sweaty fat is not a pretty picture, but if I can help someone else in this position, then I am doing something good.

Kevin was very concerned about these welts. They were so bad we really thought they would leave scars, but I was willing to have some scars if I could keep the weight off. Finally he found where someone had posted something about the joys of BODY GLIDE.

This is how it looks in the package:

When you remove the lid, it looks exactly like a stick of deodorant:

You rub it generously across those areas of your body which rub together. Lots of people use this between their legs where skin can rub together and cause raw places. Also, people use it on their heels or where blisters may form from lots of walking.

For me, this has been a little miracle! As long as I use it before I put on my exercise clothes, I don’t get any welts at all. My skin doesn’t even have the chance to become red with this stuff. It is wonderful!

We bought it in Dick’s Sporting Goods for $9.99. It’s well worth the price. I cannot say enough about it.

You can find it on Amazon:


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