Talking About Toilets

From The Past: September 28, 2008

The automatic flusher did not work properly on this particular toilet at the mall; therefore I was able to capture a picture of my brilliance for you to see.

I used to not place paper in the gap on the front of the seat, however after seeing much urine on this section; I believe it needs protecting from my neither region also. It is a sad fact that women are nasty. Many women hover above the public toilets and therefore their urine gets everywhere.

Imagine my dismay when these new toilets began flushing themselves! They detect movement, so when a person goes from a sitting position to a standing position, they automatically flush. This is great for some, but not for me!

Picture me, legs crossed, holding it in, desperately needing to go. I spend valuable time wrapping the seat. All of a sudden, the toilet begins to flush itself and takes all of my paper and hard work down with it; all the while my hands grasp at the paper as I say, “NO!”

This was totally a Mr Bean moment!

Legs still crossed, I quickly wrap the seat once more and then sit down before the toilet can swallow the paper again. Sweet success at last!

Now, imagine me doing this while trying to balance my 20-pound purse at the same time because there’s no hook to hang it on!

And men wonder why there are always lines in the women’s bathrooms! It takes time to wrap those seats 😉

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