A New Glock

From The Past: September 25, 2008

This Saturday the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council will have their 17th annual shooting competition. This competition is only for retired or sworn police officers in good standing. Teams must be from the same police department. They must shoot from different positions and, at times, be as close as 7 yards or as far away as 40 yards from the target.

Dad bought a Glock G34 9mm Practical/Tactical handgun. Since the competition is only a few days away, he went this morning to sight-in the gun.

You can see below where he shot the head and chest:


Dad and I decorated the outside of their house for fall. Actually, Dad decorated and I handed things to him (Does that count?).

This wreath is on their front porch:

Mom wasn’t feeling very well. She didn’t nap, but she did lie down for a bit.


I saw the Goodyear Blimp this afternoon.

That doesn’t happen very often!

It’s hard for me to imagine people being in a little square under the blimp. I wouldn’t do it!

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