Sunny California

From The Past: September 22, 2008

I will do the best I can to get you caught up on the family.

My Aunt Patt has been in the hospital for almost a week, but she went home today. She is still having bronchial spasms. These are the flowers that were in her room:

Mom finished her chemotherapy Friday morning, but was feeling ill today. She rested, but she still sounded a little tired to me on the phone. She says she gets phone calls all the time and she appreciates people so much. The only bad thing is she has to repeat herself and information about her chemotherapy more than a few times. This gets old and I’m sure everyone understands. I know I hate having to repeat myself. So, if you are reading this, just know that she is tired right now and cannot handle lengthy conversations, but she appreciates you.

Andrew is in California. He took a plane from St. Louis, Missouri to Texas and then traveled from Texas on to California. Because of his hip injury, he is not able to run the nine miles three days a week required to be in the Military Police. His job will now be a Field Wireman. He should start up with a new platoon next week. He believes school is six weeks, but he isn’t sure yet.

He says there is not one blade of grass anywhere on base except for a small square in a playground area. He is happy though and says, “It’s awesome here” and “the weather really isn’t that hot if you’re standing in the shade“. He says the PX is like a giant Best Buy / JCPenney combination. This is perfect for him although he did say the book section was pitiful. He will have his own PO Box instead of waiting for someone to deliver the mail to him.

You may be surprised at what he was really excited about.

An ice cream truck stops in front of his barracks every night. He said you can get the old ice cream such as Spiderman heads and Ninja Turtle heads on a stick, and Superman ice cream. Oh, he says there is also a Taco Bell. He loves the new “Volcano Taco”. He says the shell is hot, but it’s the sauce that kills you. The sauce is apparently very hot!

Ashley is happy right now because her orthodontist told her she doesn’t have to wear her headgear to bed any longer. She hated that headgear!

One of her friends painted her nails at a sleepover this past weekend. I think they look cool!

She was drinking a chocolate milkshake from Culver’s.


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