Competition For Michelle Kwan

From The Past: September 17, 2008

Warning: This is going to be a gross Pug post. I have a wonderful Pug, but some days, he can be gross. Today was one of those days.

Guido had slept for most of the day which is totally normal, but once he jumped off the bed, he started circling the floor with his butt. I guess some dogs scoot, but he was moving in a circle faster than Michelle Kwan.

I told him to stop and he would stop for a second, then he would start circling again. I was thinking about how germy this would leave the carpet. I have heard two things could be the problem when they are doing this (there may be more).

They could have worms or their anal glands could be impacted.

Since Guido was blessed with horrific anal glands, I figured that was the likely cause. I picked him up to inspect his rear end and it was very red and swollen. The looks of it kind of freaked me out to tell you the truth.

I put my tennis shoes on and we headed to the vet. Guido was thrilled. He always gets super-excited when we enter that building.

We were able to go right back. The doctor immediately put on a pair of rubber gloves and lubed his fingers with some KY Jelly. I heaved Guido up on the table, and the doctor began to “express” his anal glands. Don’t you just love that word – expressed?! That basically means he squeezed his butt until anal (butt) juice came out. It’s light brown in color. (You really didn’t need to know that, but, hey.)

Guido has the raunchiest, funkiest, anal juice in Winchester. I would put money on it!

The juice flowed and flowed. He was definitely overdue for a good squeeze. They weighed him (27 pounds I think) and then gave him a shot of something to make him feel better. The doctor also gave me a bottle of pills. I have to give Guido two of these each day for 15 days.

He looked reasonably happy when we arrived home. I hope that shot makes him feel better.

As of now, he is sacked out on the floor.

I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands when we got home and was kind of startled when I looked in the mirror. I left in a hurry, so I didn’t check my hair or face, but suffice it to say that I looked like death eating a cracker! How embarrassing!

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