Today’s Letter Is ‘T’

From The Past: September 16, 2008

Since mom is once again in remission, she had many choices of routes she could take. She decided to have outpatient chemotherapy five days in a row, have four weeks off, and then have the chemotherapy again. I’m not sure how long she is supposed to do the chemo – four months, a year – I have no idea, but her first day was today. I guess the time all depends on how well her body deals with the chemo.


Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following; they have to be “real places, real names, real things”…nothing made up!


  1. Your name: Tami
  2. Vehicle: Truck
  3. City: Tampa
  4. Boy Name: Thomas
  5. Girl Name: Thelma
  6. Non-Alcoholic drink: Tea
  7. Occupation: Teacher
  8. Something you wear: Turtleneck
  9. Celebrity: Tiny Tim
  10. Dessert: Trifle
  11. Something found in a bathroom: Tub
  12. Reason for being late: Tired
  13. Cartoon Character: Tigger (from Winnie The Pooh)
  14. Something you shout: Touchdown!
  15. Part of the body: Toes
  16. Something that describes you: Terrific!

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