
We really need to start airing PSA’s on litter again in America. We need to let people know what constitutes as litter. Cigarette butts for example. They are litter and yet people flick them out of their car windows like they are nothing.

This PSA is from 1970:

Now, please listen to this cute little jingle:

You need to know, even if trash flies out of your car window or the bed of your truck unintentionally, it causes pollution, can kill wildlife and has the potential to spread disease.

I mentioned cigarette butts, but I have also seen plastic bags, fast food packages, alcohol bottles, plastic bottles, candy bar wrappers and more in our yard.

Just walking from the parking lot into Walmart can make me shake my head because of all the unnecessary trash. I honestly wouldn’t mind picking it up if I were wearing gloves. These days, you never know if something has been spit or peed on, so it’s best not to touch it. I no longer even pick up change when I see it.

Do you think new PSA’s would help?


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