Walt Disney’s: The Story of Menstruation

From The Past: September 5, 2008

Very recently I saw the word Mooncup on a blog. (I am not calling attention to this blog because I like the person and do not want them to think I am making fun of their views.) I had no idea what this person was referring to, so I looked it up for myself: https://amzn.to/3XwtoC5

I will try to be delicate here; I am not a tampon person, so I cannot even imagine silicone rubber. Apparently it is comfortable, however I will not be trying this product should it arrive in stores near me. Call me old fashioned. It’s really okay.

Check out this website for MUM Menstrual History Collection https://www.americanhistory.si.edu/explore/stories/introducing-mum

Museum of Menstruation http://www.mum.org/

On one of these websites, I found an ad for a booklet that rang a bell. This is my copy from 1980:

With that booklet, I also received these:

Here is a sample page from the blue booklet:

You could order your very own “Starter Kit”:

I love the recommendation at the bottom of that ad:

Use the handy order form on the following page … there’s also one for your special friend.

This booklet was my introduction to the world of womanhood.

Imagine my surprise when I found Walt Disney’s The Story of Menstruation circa 1946 on YouTube. This video is essentially the same as what is written in my booklets and is the real deal. It is a cartoon and, in my opinion, child safe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG9o9m0LsbI

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