A Fist Full Of Onions

From The Past: August 31, 2008

Kevin cooked cheeseburgers at moms last night.

Sydnee came outside with a fist full of onions.

I asked her; “Sydnee, you like onions?” thinking to myself, how could a six-year-old like onions?

She said, “Yep. I like to cry when I eat.”

Okay then. She is one funny little girl. She lost one of her bottom teeth which you can see in the photo below:

Sydnee & Jesse

Her sister, Jesse, is a firecracker too.

Kevin crocheted and Aunt Patt knitted:

Who says we don’t know how to party?

Mom said Aunt Patt beat her in two hands of Skip-Bo. She said, “This is what I get for teaching her!”

This afternoon we visited the Lexington Cemetery and fed some ducks, fish, and a large turtle. We walked through the mausoleum and visited the tomb of Henry Clay.

We came back to Winchester and mom made dinner for us:

She had pork chops, green beans, baked macaroni & cheese, mashed potatoes, and salad. I ate the left over potato salad from yesterday’s cookout because I don’t like mashed potatoes. Everything was delicious 🙂

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