Remission: Take 2

From The Past: August 29, 2008

Mom’s body is once again in remission. Now she is currently contemplating all of her options. She has already decided that she does not want to have a bone marrow transplant, however there are other alternatives. She can stay in the hospital for maintenance chemotherapy, she can visit five days in a row and receive chemo, and there is even a new vaccination. I would like more information about this vaccination if she seriously considers it. I don’t even know the name of it at this point. I believe her doctors want her decision as soon as possible. She hates to dwell on these things, but it is something that should be paramount at this juncture. I am sure you are nodding your heads in agreement; Leukemia trumps bills, dishes, reading and so on.


This morning while Kevin was at work someone made an announcement over the loud speaker informing them that the building was being evacuated. Kevin found out that while going through some old equipment which detects radiation, a lead-lined tube was opened. 911 were called, the building was evacuated, and those involved were screened for radiation exposure. A news crew was immediately on the scene and it made the news at noon. Thankfully, there was no radiation found and everyone involved was allowed to return to work.


My mom and Aunt Patt came over tonight for dinner. Kevin and I made brown beans, cornbread, and fried potatoes. Mom surprised us with cupcakes she made for dessert:

We played Sorry! and Kevin won. Then we played

Skip-Bo and Kevin won that too. Tonight was his lucky night.

Later, Guido went to his Nene’s (mom’s) house for a visit.

I have told you before how much he loves their house. He was so excited to be there, he dragged me up the front porch steps!

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