Lots To Read

From The Past: August 21, 2008

This is what $304 will buy you:

And this isn’t all; Kevin still has one more book to buy that will run us about $90. Fortunately, we already had some of the required books or the cost would have been much more!

This semester he is taking:

* Research in Education

* Finance and Support Services

I am taking:

* Intro to Sociology

* Intro to Desktop Publishing

Classes start this Monday, so I’m sure I will be very busy reading homework. For this reason, I am trying to finish the last Twilight book, Breaking Dawn. I am enjoying it very much. For those of you who enjoy the author Stephanie Meyer, she will have a new book released on December 30th titled The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide. These guide books are great for learning more about characters, locations, things you may have missed, and more.

She has already written a book titled The Host which is supposed to be for adults and more mature than the Twilight series. Since I have thoroughly enjoyed the Twilight series, I will definitely put this book on my “to buy” list. https://amzn.to/3MdbiP5

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