Answering Questions About Pugs

From The Past: August 18, 2008

  1. How did you first learn about Pugs?

I learned about Pugs through Kevin. He and I agreed that we would never have a dog, but he said if he ever did have a dog he would want a Pug. I looked at pictures of them and thought they were ugly with their flat faces.

  1. What made you get a Pug?

We were walking down Euclid Avenue here in Winchester on our way to the Pioneer Festival (which is coming up soon). We saw a sign that said Pug Puppies For Sale. I knew Kevin loved Pugs, so we walked to the door and asked if we could just see them. We made it clear that we were just there for a viewing. The man brought out a brother and sister. The sister Pug was wild in the man’s arms. She wiggled and was as hyper as could be. She wanted down! Brother Pug was scared half to death. The man explained that brother did not like heights. He was very calm and let us love all over him. At that time brother and sister were eight weeks old.

Well, I couldn’t get my mind off brother Pug. He was so sweet and small, and yes, beautiful too. I had fallen in love. I kept talking about him to Kevin and my parents. Kevin didn’t think I was serious about getting him, but I was! I wanted to buy him for Kevin.

Two weeks later, when he was ten weeks old, my parents delivered brother Pug to my door. We made arrangements about how much I would pay them every two weeks until he was paid off, but they called me back and said to consider him a gift. Frankly, when they left I thought, “What do I do with him now?” I had never owned a dog and didn’t have the first clue what I needed to do with him or for him. I was like a new parent when they bring their first baby home.

Back in 2003, Kevin and I read the Anne Rice book Cry to Heaven. One of the character’s names in the book is Guido. When Kevin read that name he said, “Hey! That would be a great name for a Pug.

So, when we got our Pug, the following year in 2004, we named him Guido. Everyone we meet remembers him because his name is unique.

  1. Most memorable moment with your Pug?

When he made the front page of The Winchester Sun dressed as a bumblebee I was one proud mamma!

  1. What is the most important thing Pugs have taught you?

Pugs can talk! Oh yes! When we have been gone and return home, he reads us the riot act! He doesn’t understand why he can’t go to Wal-Mart or Kroger with us.

Latex toys cause him to get zits and I don’t want to squeeze them!

When the anal glands get backed up, they begin to seep. Guido’s anal glands could win a first place prize for the smelliest smell EVER!

Pugs can vomit an entire bowl of food and the food is still in whole pieces.

He has also taught me that he loves me unconditionally. He wants to be with me all the time no matter how bad I look or how big I am – he loves me. He has also taught me how devoted I could be to an animal and that he can sleep anywhere!

  1. Best Thing You Ever Did For Your Pugs….aside from loving them, keeping them healthy & happy, and giving them a great life.

The best thing I ever did for Guido was having a babysitter stay in our home when we went away. For me and my emotional goodwill, I could not have handled sending him someplace to have total strangers check in on him and take him out occasionally.

Before we went to Parris Island in January, I called around to some kennels and doggy daycares. They told me there was no human being there at night. The animals are left in a room alone. They have alarms on the doors, but no one is there to talk to them and make them feel comforted. They also wanted to charge extra for each: 15 minute sessions of tug, 10 minute rubs, and 15 minute play yard sessions.

I knew these were not the places for Guido. I don’t think a person should be charging extra for play yard sessions either. Dogs need time to run. Period. If you aren’t willing to let them out for a while for free, maybe you really don’t understand dogs.

I believe this was the best decision for Guido’s sake and ours.

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