Mom, Ashley, & Me

From The Past: August 14, 2008

Mom was released from the Markey today. Her count is currently at 600. The numbers should continue to climb.

Saturday, she will have a check-up of sorts to see if she needs platelets or blood. She is greatly enjoying her freedom from the IV pole.

Today was Ashley’s first day of the seventh grade. The quality of the next two photos isn’t the greatest because someone took the good camera to work.

She is into green right now, so we had to buy her shoes with bright green highlights:

I hadn’t done my Step program since school let out. I like to do this early in the morning and since it was summer vacation, we slept in every day. It was just easier to skip this 30-minute exercise.

In addition to not Stepping, I also hadn’t walked on my treadmill since July 10th, the day after Mom went into the hospital. I would normally walk on my treadmill during the day; instead we went to the Markey to see Mom. Trust me: a person, a life is much more important than any exercise routine! By the time we arrived back at home, it was dinner time and then, who feels like walking?!

We went to Disney and I ate whatever I wanted and had a great time not worrying about anything. We walked miles and miles every day so I wasn’t losing any sleep over what I ate. I would do the same thing again in a heartbeat. Anyway, I do have a point. I have gained nine pounds since I was at my lowest weight in March. My shorts are snug which tells me I need to start watching myself carefully.

I started my Step again this morning and walked on the treadmill. I feel a lot better, but the walking was hard and seemed to take forever. I would like to lose five pounds in the next few weeks. I hope that by getting back into my exercise routine the pounds will fall off.

In all honesty, it was so easy to just relax and do nothing. If I didn’t care about gaining weight, I could put the pounds back on in no time at all. It takes an effort to lose weight or stay at a certain weight. I may not like it, but this is what I have to do. I can’t lie around reading a book all day and expect my weight to remain the same. It takes a balance of my time. First I work (exercise) and then I get to play (read) 😉


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