From The Past: August 10, 2008

Like Chi-Chi’s Mexican Restaurant, Don Pablo’s was also a very good Mexican restaurant in Lexington. Chi-Chi’s has been gone for some time, but Don Pablo’s is a fairly recent loss. I know in their final days, they were having trouble with staff. We experienced long wait times for food, but the food was still good. I wish they could have stayed and made things work because, in my opinion, there aren’t many Mexican restaurants to choose from. I know many people enjoyed their food.

Old Chicago has taken over the building. Besides pizza, it would seem their big attraction is beer; they have 110 varieties. Since we aren’t drinkers, this will not be the bait which gets us through the door. I hope the photos of their food on the website are simply bad photos because the pizza looks very unappetizing.

The building went from this:

To this:

It looks nice; however, they will have to have very good service and food to make it in this particular area.

If anyone out there has tried Old Chicago, let me know your thoughts. Many people eat out, but few want to express an honest opinion for fear of being negative. I’d rather you were honest and tell me what you ordered and how it tasted instead of saying nothing at all. It’s not as if you are deliberately being negative. If the food was bad, admit it and save me a buck 😉

2024 Update: Old Chicago is still in the same place. We didn’t eat there until 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thWgfUbQH6Y

Kevin did a review a year ago on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4p5ap_ee_I&t=27s&pp=ygUVdGFtaSBkdW5uIG9sZCBjaGljYWdv

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