Cancer Etiquette

From The Past: July 16, 2008

Mom’s white blood count is down to .3 which is no surprise because of the chemo. She looks great and says she feels great so no one would ever suspect the battle going on inside her body.

When I babysat Jesse & Sydnee yesterday, we colored pictures to decorate her room.

I think they really make the room look brighter and add a personal touch.

**Note on “Cancer Etiquette” to anyone reading this**

Please don’t bring memorial brochures to the hospital from a person’s funeral that has just died of the same EXACT illness as the person you are visiting.

Read that wordy sentence again and let the full meaning of it sink in.

I am being nice when I say that was tacky, inappropriate, and utterly jaw dropping! Mom knew of this woman’s death. She didn’t need a further reminder of it in her own hospital room to keep around for some uplifting reading!

THINK to yourself: Sharon has this illness. Does she really want to read the details of so-and-so’s funeral who died of this?! How incredibly insensitive and uncaring can you get!

Was it supposed to make her feel better to read the words “Going Home Party” on a FUNERAL pamphlet? Are you cruel or just stupid?

I could go on, but I think I have made my point.

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