The Grand Finale!

From The Past: July 6, 2008

All day Friday on the 4th, Kevin and I painted our living room, kitchen, and hall ceiling. They are all connected, so you have to paint them all at one time. As I showed you in a previous post, it looked like the house had been quarantined or like we were getting ready to use a heavy duty bug bomb.

While we painted, Ashley went with both sets of grandparents to the festivities in downtown Lexington. They went to booths and she made some sand art in a clear honey bottle. She acquired some beaded necklaces, chocolates, gum, ate French fries, and also some funnel cake. They watched the parade and had a blast.

Kevin and I were just finishing the painting when they called and said they were ready for us to come over. Kevin’s parents live in Lexington, so we drove over there for the cookout. I thought we would get rained out, but the rain held off until we were all finished eating. We had a tasty slice of cheesecake for dessert inside the house when the skies opened up and the rain poured.

It was wonderful to go to their house and eat. We didn’t have to worry about anything or bring one thing. The food was delicious. I am in agreement with my mom when she has said in the past, “The food always tastes better when you don’t have to cook it yourself.” She is SO right!

When we came home that evening Kevin put light fixtures back in place and installed the new smoke detector he bought earlier at Lowe’s. It was much cheaper than he expected it would be.

Saturday morning, right after Kevin had finished his coffee; he began taking up our buckled, destroyed floors. He laid new plastic and then put the new floor down.

He measured and cut all day. We only made one trip to Lowe’s which was good because normally a person can take many trips to the store during projects!

Late last night the floor was finished. Kevin was bone-tired; after all, he had only taken a lunch and dinner break all day.

I am so thankful to have my house back together. This has been a long process and one I never want to repeat. Everyone should know that hot water heaters are only meant to last 12 to 15 years. Ours had been in this house since we bought it and that was twelve years ago, so I bet it was original to the house. It was a great feeling waking up this morning knowing we were finished.



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