Something Cold

From The Past: June 29, 2008

I love ice cream, but I don’t crave it like some people. Kevin likes to have something cold and sweet for a nighttime snack. If he buys a half gallon of ice cream, there is no limit on the amount he can put in a bowl. He has no idea how many calories he has consumed and therefore ends up eating much more than he planned.

Wanting to watch his calories more closely and still have ice cream at the same time, Kevin was thrilled to find these 100-calorie Blue Bunny Vanilla & Chocolate Ice Cream Cups.

These are portioned and he can eat as many as he wants while keeping in mind that they are 100 calories each. He normally eats one vanilla and one chocolate each night.

On our most recent visit to the store, he found these:

There are three flavors in each cup: Lemon Lime, Orange, and Cherry.

These cups are only 90 calories each, but they are packed with great flavors. I tried a bite of each flavor and they were all very good.

In my opinion, you cannot beat icy-cold Sherbet on a hot summer day.

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