Now You Know

From The Past: June 28, 2008

Andrew & Christina:

June 1, 2007

October 9, 2007

On Friday, April 11th, while Andrew was home on Recruiter’s Assistance, he and Christina went to the court house and were married.

On April 12th, we took Andrew to the Louisville Airport so he could return to Missouri. We had no idea he was married at that time. In fact, as I was editing pictures, I enlarged the last photo and saw a gold band on his left hand which looked like this:

I called him and flat out asked about the ring. He claimed it was just a “promise ring”. I knew they were engaged and found it odd that he would wear a ring on that particular finger. He told me Christina was wearing her engagement ring and wedding band. I thought that was strange also, but left it alone.

A few weeks later when the court house records appeared in the newspaper, Kevin and I were informed of our son’s marriage. Ashley abruptly learned that her brother was married.

Because he left for Missouri, we have never seen them together as a married couple. For a while, it was hard to visualize them in that way. She recently traveled to Missouri for a weekend visit. My parents paid for her travel and Kevin and I paid for their hotel room for the weekend. Andrew was allowed off base. They saw a movie, shopped, and went out to eat. I’m glad they had a honeymoon of sorts.

I am not upset about them being married at the court house. Kevin and I were married the same way many years ago. I never wanted a big wedding and have never regretted our choice of venue. I do wish he had been truthful when I asked him point blank about the ring. Reliving the day he left over in my head, I see the many opportunities he had to tell us the news.

He was afraid of what I would say and do. She was afraid of what her mom would say and do. I can appreciate these feelings.

I think they were both surprised by our acceptance, but I love Andrew and I want him to be happy, so I am not mad. If it helps him get through the tiring and trying days, I am fine with it. Being in the military is hard.

Christina is a smart, hard-working girl who is going to school to become a nurse while keeping a job. I am very confident she will be faithful to Andrew.

Of course Kevin and I wish we had been there when they were married, but we know our parent’s probably felt the same way years ago.

Obladi Oblada. Life goes on.


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