Is This Some Kind of A Joke?

From The Past: June 4, 2008

The last day of school was Monday. I received the following reading list in the mail today – two days later.

I’m reading through this list thinking, okay Ashley reads what she wants and I’m not going to make her read anything that is not of her choosing during summer break. Then, I get to mid-page and discover that this is actually an assignment.

Here is a closer look:

I CAN NOT believe this! I know it has been argued that children loose some of what they have been taught during summer break because their brains are unused. When school resumes in the fall, they often have to go over certain things again before learning new things.

Guess what?

I DON’T care!

Summer break is S.U.M.M.E.R. B.R.E.A.K.




One Reply to “Is This Some Kind of A Joke?”

  1. I literally thought my school district was the only one that did this! Every year starting in the 8th grade we had to do this! The worst part was that they chose our book and their choices were not good!

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