Lots Of Popcorn!

From The Past: June 1, 2008

5-2-08 No Country for Old Men – This was an interesting movie, but very odd at the same time. There was a lot of violence and there were times when I wondered if pieces had been accidentally left out. When it ended, I thought What The Heck. If you have seen it, you can let me know if you thought the same thing.

5-2-08 Atonement – This was a love story that took place during WWII. Keira Knightley looked completely different in this movie than when she played Elizabeth Swann in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  If you don’t like love stories that are kind of drawn-out, you probably won’t enjoy this one. I did, but that’s just me.

5-4-08 Risky Business – If watching Tom Cruise dance around in his skivvies doesn’t put a smile on your face I don’t know what will. That is, and will always be a scene to remember. This movie also reminded me of the time when television stations went off at night. They ended with a picture of the American flag and the national anthem and then the screen went fuzzy. That seems like such a long time ago. Watching this I was also reminded of TV dinners that came in tin containers. This is something else I enjoy about watching movies from the past; you get to see the past. My favorite quote: “I don’t believe this! I’ve got a trig midterm tomorrow, and I’m being chased by Guido the killer pimp.”

5-9-08 Cloverfield – First of all you should know that this movie is only about 73 minutes long. With movie times being long these days, this was a pretty short movie. This movie was like The Blair Witch Project meets Manhattan. By that, I am referring to the entire movie being filmed as if someone is holding a video camera. It was just so-so for me. I kept waiting for someone to put the video camera down and the “movie” to start, but that never happened. Kevin liked it.

5-9-08 The Good Night – Andrew recommended I see this movie. He told me it was awesome and I would love it. After an hour had passed, Kevin and I were puzzled that Andrew would suggest this movie. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very interesting, but also very slow-moving. All of my previous difficulties imagining Andrew enjoying this movie were swept away when I heard the music play in the last ten minutes of the film. You would have to know Andrew to know that this music is just his speed. I will repeat; it does move slowly.

5-11-08 The Number 23 – Jim Carrey plays a man who reads a book about the number 23. He becomes fascinated by the number itself and also with the book and believes it was written about himself. This isn’t a movie I would sit through again. Honestly, it was only 98 minutes long, but I was bored for the first 60. The ending was interesting, but the rest was just okay for me.

5-21-08 Juno – This movie is about the actions a sixteen-year-old girl takes after finding out she is pregnant. I enjoyed this movie and would watch it again. I think some of the offbeat sayings used during conversation aren’t really common among teenagers that I know, but that quirkiness is what makes this movie stand out. If anything, teenagers now have some new catch phrases.

5-23-08 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – I know this movie came out in 2005. Sadly, it took me three years to sit down and watch it! It was a wonderful story and made me feel young and innocent watching it. If your family has not seen it, I highly recommend a viewing. The message is powerful as are the cast and animation. I hope it doesn’t take me three more years to see the second installment which is at the theatre now!

5-30-08 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – If you like the other three Indiana Jones movies, you are sure to love this one. From beginning to end it was packed with adventure. It didn’t seem to me that Harrison Ford had aged at all and it would be fun if they made another one. Also, I enjoyed seeing this on the big screen since we had not been to the theatre since August 2007.

At the Regal:





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