My New Favorite

From The Past: May 26, 2008

Since childhood, my favorite cola has been Coca-Cola Classic:

In middle school, we had a blind taste test between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. I immediately knew which one was the Coca-Cola and chose it as my preference hands down.

More than a few years ago, Kevin and I made the plunge into “diet-only” drinks. Once we saw how many calories were in the regular colas, we asked ourselves why we were taking in so many calories when we could be drinking diet and getting no calories. I have heard it said many times that a person can easily drop five pounds or more just switching from regular drinks to diet. There is no doubt this is true.

Sadly, I did not enjoy Diet Coca-Cola or Diet Pepsi, so my new favorite drink became Diet Sunkist:

Diet Sunkist is awesome, but it’s an orange drink and entirely different from a coke-type drink. I truly never thought there would be another coke-type drink I could enjoy.

Ashley started drinking Coca-Cola Zero (we just call it Coke Zero). She told me I needed to try it and claimed it tasted just like regular Coca-Cola. Well, I thought to myself, what could she know about Coca-Cola Classic – she’s only eleven!

We ran out of Diet Sunkist one day last week, so I was forced to try a Coke Zero.

Guess what?! It’s my new favorite, favorite, favorite drink and it has NO calories whatsoever!

I am a huge fan! I admitted to Ashley what my former thoughts had been and apologized for doubting her wisdom. I told her that it really does taste just like a Coca-Cola Classic. She said, “I told you.

I know some of you don’t drink cola, but for those of you who do; you need to try this and save yourself some calories. You can thank me, I mean, Ashley, later!


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