Completed Chores

From The Past: May 25, 2008

We had a beautiful Saturday. Normally we drive to Lexington, shop, and eat out. This Saturday was different in that we spent the day at home doing outside tasks.


* Opened the pool – This involves: taking the winter cover off, cleaning it, and then putting the cover in storage for the summer; attaching hoses to the pool pump, and putting chemicals in the pool water.

* Kevin patched some holes in the drywall of the storage room and I painted the walls & ceiling (this took the majority of my day, but was worth it).

* Kevin made a new box to conceal the dryer vent in the storage room because the old box was thin and unsightly. I was painting.

* Kevin mowed the lawn & used the weed eater. I was still painting.

Kevin cleaned the back gutters & installed gutter covers. I helped hold the ladder and hand him the tools needed because I finished painting!

In between all this, we cooked out:

Ashley spent the majority of this beautiful day inside playing The Sims:

I tried to get her to stay outside a little, but she pouted and made it very clear that she was unhappy and wanted to be inside. I want her to be happy. Besides, I couldn’t think of any reason she should be outside. It’s not as if she’s overweight and needs to run around the yard. The only thing she would have done would be to sit and read a book and I don’t need to make her do that; she reads enough on her own.

We accomplished a lot and I am glad!

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