Adoption Papers

From The Past: May 24, 2008

I loved my Cabbage Patch Kid. It will probably come as no surprise to you that I still have the birth certificate and adoption papers.

The adoption certificate:

I even kept the brochure that came with the adoption papers:

Genny looked like the last doll in the middle row (the one with red hair). Its funny my parent’s would give me a red headed doll because Kevin and I ended up having a red headed child. Was that a little bit of foreshadowing?
If only I had kept the actual doll! No, seriously, I think she is at my parent’s house and I wouldn’t know what to do with her if I did have her. I have places to keep papers and cards, but I don’t have a place to keep all of my childhood toys.

One Reply to “Adoption Papers”

  1. I was lucky enough to be given a bald baby when they first came out as well and I also saved the papers, certificate and of course the doll who went to overnight summer camp, on family vacations, to college and to the home my husband and I moved into upon marriage…….I loved her and passed her down to my daughter who loved her as well………..You should definitely go to your mom’s, get the doll, clean her up and gift her to your granddaughter who will cherish her forever as she is part of your special legacy……..Ronni Lynn

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