Stop Signs?!

From The Past: May 22, 2008

My parent’s live in an area that is a magnet for wrecks. We stopped having yard sales once a year because people were looking at the things being sold in my parent’s yard and not at the road! The city really needs to make this a 4-way stop and paint crosswalk markings for pedestrians over the street. This would eliminate many wrecks. Several years ago, I believe two children were trying to cross the street and one was hit by a car. Had there been a stop sign, they could have crossed safely without having to dodge speeding cars.

Last night we took Ashley to my parent’s house so she could take a bath. (Remember we have no hot water.) Guido went with us and was so wound up by the time we arrived that he could barely breathe. My mom, who had no clue we were bringing Guido with us, said before she opened the door, “I can hear you breathing!” Yes, he was that excited.

We hadn’t been there ten minutes when, once again, there was a wreck. They happen all the time no matter what time of year because people try to make left hand turns into heavy traffic or because they simply are not watching the road.

Police cars, an ambulance, and fire truck were all on the scene immediately. Neighbors came out of their houses to see what was happening. We sat on the porch and watched. Guido said hello to a beautiful solid black Cocker Spaniel walking by and he barked hello at another brown dog. He loves people watching on the front porch of mom and dad’s house.

Over the years I cannot tell you how many wounded people have sat waiting in that same spot. Actually, cars have run up in that yard and sat in that spot too!

Within no time, the scene was cleared and traffic was back to its usual flow. Ashley was in the tub and missed the entire incident.

We left with her smelling wonderful.

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