Calling All Butterflies …

From The Past: May 19, 2008

In an earlier post, I told you about Ashley’s Cell project, so now I will give you her final grade. Since I told you about the project, I would have given you her grade if it was bad or good. It happens that she earned a superb grade and several nice comments to boot! She scored 200 points out of 200 possible points. The teacher commented, “Nice work Ashley!” and “Very detailed!” (She wrote a lengthy paper to go along with the project.)

This makes me very proud of her. She knew what she wanted and executed it with flair. As a mom, I said, “Wonderful! I am very proud of you!” I have learned from previous experience that these projects can be worrisome, but they only come once in your child’s life. Compliments and comments in general do matter and the child will remember if you paid attention to the scores they earned and the effort put forth.


This weekend we went flower shopping:

Before planting:


This morning, several thoughts came to me from Guido telepathically. He said, “It is 6:15 in the morning. You may be getting up, but I’m not moving. No way. No how.” The connection ended there.

This afternoon I planted a perennial called May Night Salvia:

This plant enjoys full sunlight and attracts butterflies. We need some butterflies around here!

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