Schooling & Marine Corps Graduation

From The Past: January 23, 2008

Andrew is very happy to be home. His next stop will be Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He will be there twenty-two days for infantry training. All Marines, no matter what field they have chosen have to go through infantry training.

After those twenty-two days, he goes straight to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for MP (Military Police) training which is his chosen field. I have been told this school lasts about two months, but I don’t know the exact number of days he will be there. When his schooling is complete he has no idea where he will be stationed.

He has been catching up on the latest games, watching movies, and running around with his friends. Last night, he spent the night with a friend so I don’t expect to see him much today. I don’t mind though. He doesn’t know when he will get to spend time with them again.

Ashley missed three days of school last week to see Andrew’s graduation. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday and today have been snow days, although the roads looked completely dry to me this morning. My point is this; she has been out of school a total of eight days counting the weekend. She has just had herself a little mini vacation!

I like having snow days when they are really needed; however I think to the future and wonder when these days will be made up. I hate it when the kids are making up days in the sweltering heat of summer. Everyone has a hard time concentrating in those conditions. If I were in charge, I would have students make up the days on one of the other holidays or teacher-only days. This way, it wouldn’t take away from their summer break. I am not in charge though, so we will see what they decide.

Kevin has started his Master’s classes. He takes them in stride, writes his papers, and doesn’t think a thing of it. That’s a naturally smart person for you. If I soaked up information like a sponge and didn’t have to read over paragraphs and articles several times in order to comprehend what was being said, I wouldn’t complain either.

The links below will allow you to see Andrew’s USMC Graduation:

From Kentucky To Parris Island

Family Day Part I:

Family Day Part II:

USMC Graduation Parris Island:



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