The Crucible: Day 2

From The Past: January 11, 2008

Information provided by the Parris Island website.

Day 2 (Friday)

Reveille (0400)

Events 4-6 (0600-1800)

Event 4 – Combat Assault Resupply

A one-hour event in which teams resupply water, ammunition and MREs through the Combat Assault Course

Following the completion of the Combat Assault Resupply, recruits negotiate a bayonet assault course and the warrior stations below:

Sgt. Gonzalez’s Crossing

Teams cross a “contaminated area” by swinging on ropes from “safe spot” to “safe spot”.

Pvt. Cecula’s Wall

Teams climb a 10-foot wall and climb down the opposite side by a knotted rope.

Land Navigation Station

Basic map reading and grid coordinate plotting will be reviewed and evaluated.

Core Values Station

Recruits sit inside a hut and receive information on a particular core value from their drill instructor.

Event 5 – Enhanced Confidence Course

Teams have two hours to complete five events of a modified Confidence Course.

The Sky Scraper

The team retrieves a “wounded” dummy from the top of an 18-foot tower.

Stairway to Heaven

Team members move two ammunition cans over the top of a 36-foot ladder obstacle.

Two-Line Bridge

Team members cross two 52-foot long ropes with their hands and feet suspended two feet and 10 feet off the ground as they carry ammunition cans and water resupply cans.

The Weaver

Team members climb over and under 24 logs, 42 feet in length ascending to 14 feet as they carry ammunition and water resupply cans.

In addition to the Enhanced Confidence Course, teams go through a Combat Endurance Course.

Combat Endurance Course – Teams conduct a simulated patrol, negotiate the obstacles and report the number and types of obstacles to intelligence sources.

Event 6 – Cpl. Day’s Defense (Unknown Distance Firing)

Teams of four fire two magazines of five rounds each from simulated building structures at unknown distance targets in a time limit of 70 seconds. The number of targets hit and number of unused ammunition is then recorded.

Following Day’s Defense, team members participate in a 250-meter casualty evacuation where members remove simulated casualties from a simulated danger area consisting of artillery simulators.

Night Event (1900-0000) Night Infiltration Course

Teams resupply water, ammunition and MREs at night in a simulated combat environment. The teams take their ammunition cans, water cans and simulated MREs through the Combat Assault Course with the added obstacle of darkness.

Sleep (2300-0300)


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