
From The Past: January 9, 2008

Since the New Year I have decluttered every room excluding Andrew and Ashley’s bedrooms. Since Ashley has been at school, her room has to wait and of course, Andrew is away.

We have given many bags to the Goodwill, but its stuff that we didn’t ever use or need. When you open a closet door and things fall out or you open a cabinet and have to shove the stuff back in quickly in order to shut the door again, it is time to reconsider your wants and needs.

I didn’t need ten packages of Easter eggs just because I bought them on sale. I also didn’t need thousands of unused Valentines dating back to when Andrew was little. I believe sometimes we get too caught up in the possessions someone once used rather than the person themselves and their personality. A few keepsakes are okay, but I don’t have to save every little thing in order to keep my feelings alive.

For example, I think it was smart to choose one baby outfit my children wore and donate or sell the rest. Why would I need a whole box or bag of baby clothes? I could save them for grandchildren, but I think I would rather my grandchildren wore newer styles.

This has been a wonderful cleansing for me and I hope it continues. I told someone that I will now think twice before buying more items. I need to ask myself the questions:

* Do I really need this?

* Where will it sit in my house?

* Do I want to give up space for this item?

* Is this something I will be tired of looking at within a few months?

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