They Better Be Good!

From The Past: December 20, 2007

I have been craving Waldorf Chicken Salad which calls for seedless grapes. Yesterday while in Wal-Mart I was shocked to see the seedless grape section empty. Then I looked up and noticed a sign which stated they were out of seedless grapes due to a nationwide shortage.

Kroger however had plenty of seedless grapes. Kevin chose a bag and we headed to the register to pay. Take a look at the bag below. How much would you expect to pay for a bag of grapes that big? I will tell you it weighed 2.08 pounds.

Want to know why they had so many left?

Well, at $3.99 a pound I’m sure people felt they were being ROBBED!

Yes, the total for this trip to Kroger for one bag of grapes was $8.30.

Merry Christmas! I hope you aren’t planning to have fruit salad!

In other news:

We have officially finished our Christmas shopping! YEA!!!



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