
From The Past: December 19, 2007

It ticks me off when I walk in a bathroom stall and there is no hook to hang my purse on. In some stalls this isn’t a problem because the toilet paper dispenser is big enough to sit my purse on. There are some places where I don’t have that luxury though. I walk in and there is no hook and no place to sit my purse. This is where some balancing skills come into play. My purse weighs about 10 pounds, so it’s hard to balance that baby on my arm while pulling down my pants. Then I have to sit with it in my lap whilst I go. Wiping is where it becomes really hard to balance. I can’t just sling the thing over my neck or it would kill me. Trust me, I have considered doing that, but knew it would be a very bad idea and I would have a sore neck for a week.

I would never sit my purse on the bathroom floor. My purse is also cloth which holds the most dirt. I don’t even sit it on the floor of a restaurant while I am eating. When I cannot sit it next to me in a chair or a booth, I balance it once again in my lap. Unless there is a wall behind me, I will not hang it on the back of the chair. To me, this is begging for someone to rob you. I don’t trust other people at my table to watch what is happening to my purse hanging on the back of my chair.

Something I do wrong is sit my purse on the counters and kitchen table which is no different than putting a pair of shoes on the table. I need to think about that from now on. Also, Ashley is in middle school and she takes her purse to school and then sits it on the kitchen table. How sanitary do you think that is?!

Ashley’s purse – on the kitchen table!

I also put my purse in any buggy (cart) I get at Wal-Mart. That can’t ever be good. I have also sat it on the floor of the changing room while I am trying on clothes or on the counter in the changing room. You wouldn’t think that would be too dirty.

Now that I really think about it, my purse has been on bleachers, classroom floors, hospital floors – on the floor of the doctor’s office. I definitely need to keep it off the counters and table.

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